If the Content is Capital, the Container is Critical
At Myerson Wealth, we work with individuals and their spouse or significant other to design insurance solutions that fit their needs and resources, while making sure the plan is flexible and provides for the future. We are single-minded in tailoring a plan specific to each individual. We do this by engaging our clients in in-depth, confidential discussions regarding their personal goals, objectives and financial resources, while being cognizant of any pre-existing health and medical issues that could affect the plan. With his background as a CPA and his Chartered Financial Consultant designation, Richard Myerson develops life insurance plans to fund all of his clients’ needs:
- Income replacement for a spouse and family in the event of premature death.
- Funding the estate for the transfer of wealth or payment of estate taxes (taking into account all aspects of the prevailing estate and gift tax laws).
- Asset accumulation using life insurance for tax-efficient long-term investment planning.
- Business planning, including: Buy-Sell funding, Non-Qualified Executive Compensation Strategies, Key-Person Insurance and Loan Collateralization.
- Coverage required by spousal separation or divorce decrees.