A collection of insightful and informative articles from Myerson Wealth's “Recipes for Success” newsletter
A collection of insightful and informative articles from Myerson Wealth's “Recipes for Success” newsletter
Split-Dollar Life Insurance: A Winning Game Plan for Non-Profits and Their Executives We’re now in the thick of football season in America—albeit a “different” kind of season due to the pandemic. If you know me, you know that football actually played with one’s feet is my favorite sport. For this blog piece, however, the spotlight […]
Without possessing a crystal ball to help us gaze into the future, we’ll never know when a down market may hit our investment portfolio. Let me tell you about John, who sure wishes he had said crystal ball. A week after retiring from a 40-year career, John started planning his dream vacation to kick-start his […]
Sometimes, the term “whole life” can mislead policy owners into thinking they can “set and forget” their life insurance policies. Nothing is further from the truth. Whole life, and other cash value policies, are seldom designed to be “set in stone” – and death benefits are not necessarily guaranteed forever. For these reasons, I’ve been […]
If you could protect your investment portfolio from incurring a loss, would you? Of course, we all would, much like we’d purchase insurance on “the goose that laid the golden eggs” if we owned it. Now, what if that investment portfolio was you? The years and hard work you put into becoming a doctor may […]
When I meet with ultra-affluent clients and/or their advisors, at the very top of their list of concerns is tax-reduction planning. This has always been the case but seems now to be of greater urgency as clients begin to consider the mountain of national debt that has no visible ceiling, and equally recognize the need […]
It almost goes without saying: these are tumultuous times! So much so, we can’t help but wonder – what lies on the other side? Is it greater gratitude for front-line medical professionals and essential service industry employees? More virtual opportunities in business and education? Societal changes to meeting and greeting? Increased tax rates to pay […]
The line it is drawn, the curse it is cast The slow one now, will later be fast As the present now, will later be past The order is rapidly fadin’. And the first one now, will later be last For the times they are a-changin’. – Bob Dylan, from the album “The Times They […]
“Cooked” vs. “Corked” Have you ever opened a bottle of wine you’ve been cellaring and savoring for years, waiting for that perfect occasion to enjoy with friends or family, and as the cork is pulled from the bottle (or perhaps crumbles on attempting to extract it), you know instantly the wine is going to be […]
Over the last few months, we have been asked by several advisors to assist with a review of their clients’ life insurance portfolios. Some of these requests were prompted by changes in client circumstance, others by adjusted client expectations due to changes in policy crediting rates, while others because of absentee agents. In all cases […]
A Menu Change I recently wrote a Monthly Update titled “What’s New on the Menu,” describing a new and important practice area for Myerson Wealth working with non-profit entities. To view that blog post, click here. This information below, however, may have significantly more importance to you and your clients. Much like many financial and technological products, […]